XIOS scan Sirona


Because the XIOS Scan imaging plates were developed specifically for the Sirona scanner, they offer particularly high image quality. For better identification and visibility in the mouth, the plates have a white, inactive back and a blue, active side.


XIOS Scan. Small change. Big impact.
The XIOS scan provides a gentle, easy introduction into the world of digital X-ray imaging. If you want to switch from film to digital without having to give up your tried-and-true working methods, imaging plate technology offers you a myriad of possibilities. You can experience many of the advantages of digital imaging without a darkroom and chemicals while your team continues its regular workflow. XIOS Scan completes the family of intraoral X-ray systems from Sirona which includes the sensors XIOS XG and the intraoral X-ray HELIODENTPLUS source.
Tried-and-true workflow meet the advantages of digital imaging
Outstanding scan quality with 22 line pairs/mm
Scratch-free scanning and automatic film detection
Proven Sirona quality “Made in Germany”

Technical data
Dimensions (H x W x D) 363 mm x 163 mm x 286 mm
Weight 7.3 kg ± 0.5 kg
Pixel size selectable 23/30 μm
Resolution 22/17 Lp/mm
Interface LAN
Storage plate intraoral
Size 0 31 mm x 22 mm
Size 1 24 mm x 40 mm
Size 2 31 mm x 41 mm
Size 3 27 mm x 54 mm


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