
Tomey RC-5000 Auto Refractor Keratometer

Original price was: $8,900.00.Current price is: $5,880.00.

The Tomey RC-5000 has highly accurate measurement combined with short examination time and ease of use, makes working with the Tomey RC-5000 Autorefractor Keratometer both professional and quick. The advanced touch-screen display allows you to perform both refraction and keratometry automatically with one simple movement, capture one eye on the display and the Tomey RC-5000 will do both eyes automatically. With the new features, the Tomey RC-5000 Autorefractor Keratometer will surely make your office more efficient.


Tomey RC-5000 Refractometry

Normal Mode:

-Fogging is applied automatically for each measurement for more Accurate Results

Quick Mode:

-Fogging is applied as needed for consecutive measurements.


-This mode is used to measure cataract or pseudophakic eyes.


-Short consecutive measurements and time provide reliable data.
-Measurements at 6.00mm (R=8.0mm) as well as at 3.00mm give you enough information for contact lens fitting.
-base curves of contact lenses are stored, categorized and suggested manufacturers are automatically printed.

Diameter Measurements of Cornea and Pupil:

-Measurement can be done easily by moving the two cursors on the display to the boundary of cornea or pupil. This is useful for deciding the diameter of a contact lens and for other contact lens fitting practice.

Power Joystick:

-Move the joystick ring up/down and the instrument head moves up/down quickly.
-Move the joystick hand rest to the right/left or backward/forward and the instrument head moves to the right/left or backward/forward quickly.
-Rotate the joystick ring and the instrument head moves up/down slowly.
-Tilt the joystick and the instrument head moves in each direction slowly.

Power Chinrest:

-The chin rest can be moved by pushing the buttons on the front panel. No need to reach out to the chin rest for manual adjustments.

Autorefractor Keratometer Features:

Refractometory :

-Sphere 25.00 to +22.00D (VD =12.00mm) Cylinder -10.00 to +10.00D (VD = 12.00mm)
-Axis 0 to 180 Degree
-Minimum Pupil Dia. 2.2mm
-Measurements Time 0.2 Sec.

Keratometry :

-Range 5.00mm to 11.00mm
-Corneal Refraction 30.68D to 67.50D (n = 1.3375)
-Corneal Astigmatism 0D to 10D (n = 1.3375)
-Axis 0 to 180 Degree
-Measured Area 3.0mm / 6.0 mm
-Measured Time 0.1 Sec PD
-Measurement Yes (50 to 86mm)
-Diameter Measuremnt of Cornea & Pupil 1.0 to 14.0mm
-Chinrest : Power Chin Rest
-Printer : High Speed Thermal Line Printer
-OutputPort RS-232C
-Power Requirements: AC 100V to 240V
-50/60Hz 130VA


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