
Sirona GALILEOS Comfort/Compact

Original price was: $10,200.00.Current price is: $7,800.00.

With the integrated FaceScanner in GALILEOS you can now record the facial surface parallel to the x-ray image. And that, as opposed to traditional face scanners without the use of lasers, which is therefore gentler on the patients. Thanks to the simultaneous x-ray image and surface depiction, the fully automated overlaying of the data is extremely precise. In addition, texture and coloring in the software allow for a particularly realistic depiction of the soft tissue proportions – an ideal tool for patient consultation!


Oral and maxillofacial surgeons
Dental clinics
Private clinics
General practioners
Dental implant practices
Oral surgeons
Sirona Galileos Comfort Imaging systems Sirona Galileos Compact Imging Systems
Comparison Table of Galileos Comfort/ Compact & Orthophos XG 3D X-Ray systems
Technical overview GALILEOS Comfort GALILEOS Compact ORTHOPHOS
Field of view (15 x 15 x 15) cm³ (12 x 15 x 15) cm³ 8 cm x 8 cm (Ø x Höhe)
3D Resolution (isotropic voxel size) 0.3/0.15 mm 0.3 mm 0,2 mm; 0,1 mm (available at the end of 201)
Scan time / exposure time 14 s / 2 – 6 s 14 s / 2 – 6 s 2–5 s
Reconstruction time 2.5 – 4.5 min 4.5 min 4,5 min
Patient position standing / seated standing / seated Standing/seated, chin rest/bite block, occlusal bite block for automatic patient positioning with 2D PAN images
X-ray generator
kV 85 85 60–90
Effective dosage 29 µSv / 68 µSv **
(21 mAs, 85 kV)
< 29 µSv / 68 µSv **
(21 mAs, 85 kV)
43–175 μSv (Schulze)
(Standard: 100 μSv)
Space requirements (minimum) 1,6 x 1,6 x 2,25 m (d x w x h) 1,6 x 1,6 x 2,25 m(d x w x h) 1,5 m x 1,1 m x 2,25 m (Pan ),
Space requirements (recommended) >1,8 x 1,8 x 2,5 m (d x w x h) 1,8 x 1,8 x 2,5 m (d x w x h) 1,7 m x 1,3 m x 2,5 m (Pan )
User Interface Full color touchscreen Multipad EasyPad
Patient fixation Occlusal bite block, forehead Occlusal bite bock, forehead
Positioner support, chin rest, head positioner *** support, chin rest
Upgradable to Comfort version
Optional floor stand
Wheelchair accessible
Remote control
150 µm resolution for close-up reconstruction
300 µm resolution for standard volumes
High contrast mode for optimized hard tissue display
Views PAN with 3D slice navigation PAN with 3D slice navigation Tiltable 2D slices, custom
TSA, axial, sagittal, coronal, CEPH lat., CEPH pa/ap TSA, axial, sagittal, coronal 3D slicing, TSA, LSA, axial, sagittal, coronal
3D model, 1-click OP reports 3D model, 1-click OP reports 3D model, implant-oriented view, 1-Click OP reports


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