
Cynosure Picosure Pro

Original price was: $21,800.00.Current price is: $13,080.00.

Suitable for all skin types, its unique distinction as the sole FDA-cleared picosecond device for treating various pigmentation issues and delivering noticeable transformation without downtime sets it apart from traditional lasers.

Elevate your skin’s texture and tone and rediscover a brighter, more radiant complexion with the PicoSure Pro. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to add this exceptional device to your skincare routine.


Cynosure Picosure Pro

Cynosure Picosure Pro enhanced with innovative features, delivers 755nm wavelength in picoseconds for superior skin revitalization laser treatments. 3x more powerful in the removal of dark spots, tattoo ink, and unwanted pigmentation across all skin types. It is the most advanced 755nm laser device to receive FDA-clearances for the treatment of melasma, nevus of Ota, and Hori’s nevus.

Benefits :

PicoSure Pro transforms and revitalizes the skin by delivering 755nm wavelength in picoseconds. Offering a wide range of non-invasive treatments for the face and body, PicoSure Pro guarantees superior results across all skin types.

This breakthrough picosecond laser delivers energy at a very high speed and converts 755nm energy into gentle pressure waves. PicoSur Pro does not use heat or thermal energy to treat the skin and leaves surrounding skin unharmed.

Treatments are safe and effective as proven by 100+ peer reviewed clinical articles. Many patients also love the significantly reduced downtime and virtually painless experience. Check out the prime benefits of PicoSure Pro below.

Unique 755nm Wavelength

Delivers 755nm, the optimal wavelength for skin revitalization, providing provides minimal to no pain and downtime. 755nm directly targets the melanin on the superficial layer of the skin without harming surrounding tissues.

PressureWave Technology

Delivers a powerful yet very gentle wavelength of light at 755nm and only targets the superficial layer of the skin. It uses a specialized lens to turn laser energy into gentle pressure waves to activate cell signaling, LIOB formation, and more. PicoSure® Pro does not use heat or thermal energy to treat the skin.

Adjustable Fluence with Same Spot Size

Offers a fine selection of medical-grade handpieces – 1 Zoom (2-6 mm), and 4 fixed (5, 6, 8, & 10 mm) with adjustable fluence using the same spot size. Physicians can increase or lower the power needed to treat that specific area of the skin without the need to change spot sizes. PicoSure® Pro treatments are faster, and more versatile than ever.


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